I bear my testimony to the world that Jesus is the Christ, He is the literal Son of the literal Living God! He came to earth to set the example for us and to see who the Father is. He was born of the Virgin Mary, was raised by Joseph and Mary and learned and grew “before man and God”. He followed the commandments and set the perfect example for us by being baptized by John and after that the Holy Ghost came down like as a dove and lighted upon Him. He then established His Kingdom here upon the earth by calling the Twelve Apostles, teaching the doctrine, correcting false doctrine, healing the sick, the lame, the wounded of heart, and those who sinned. He is the great Healer of our body and soul.
I know that Jesus suffered for us in the Garden of Gethsemane. He suffered there for our sins, our pains, our anguish, and all the feelings that we will ever feel so that He can truly understand what we are going through always, with no exception. His pain was so great that His sweat was drops of blood, He cried unto the Father asking if there was any other way but if not “Thine will be done”. At all times and places was he the Supreme Example of obedience to Our Father out of love for Him and for all of us.
He was then betrayed by Judas and taken before the High Priest who mocked and slapped Him with others joining in. He was then brought before Pilot, then Herod, then back to Pilot where He was found guiltless but due to the pressure of the crowed He was given over to them to be crucified. During that time Christ was lashed 39 times, had a crown of thorns placed brutally upon His head, and then given the beam for His own cross to bear to Golgotha.
There the Redeemer suffered and having fulfilled all “gave up the ghost”. Upon that saddest of all days it seemed like all hope had gone. But upon the third day Christ the Lord was raised! He became “the first fruits of the resurrection” and lives again! With body and spirit joining together to separate no more. How glorious that day! How truthful the scripture, “death where is thy sting, oh grave where is thy victory.”
Christ was chosen in the pre-mortal realm, was born, died, and was resurrected to make the path clear and open the doors so that all could be resurrected and if worthy enter into the Celestial Kingdom of God. Not just to enter but to enter with their families, for without them this plan would be in vain.
Christ has once again restored His Church here upon the earth again, even The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, for the last time. He called Joseph Smith Jr. to be His prophet and help build the foundation of this great work and to start to prepare the Saints for Christ’s Millennial reign. The Bible is the word of God as far as it is translated correctly, the Book of Mormon, The Doctrine and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price are also the word of God to establish His truth so that there is no err and no disputation upon our Kings doctrine.
The key’s of the Priesthood which Peter, James and John held and all other keys from the past, including the sealing power of families, are restored and are held by President Thomas S. Monson who is the current prophet of God. By the Priesthood and keys that have been restored families can be sealed for all time and eternity in the House of The Lord, if they live righteously they will never be separated from each other!
This is the work of the Lord and it is true. I know that if you will “ask”, “seek”, and “knock” you will find the truthfulness of all this through the Holy Ghost like I have personally done. Only by Christ can we enter into the Kingdom of Heaven to be with Heavenly Father, Him, and our families. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.